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Animal friends

The Black Cat

Jawaher Ghaith

One Summer afternoon , my family decided to take us to a park, in Lebanon. We were having a picnic . It was such a beautiful weather.

Suddenly I heard weird sounds coming from the garbage disposal . So of course I had to rush to see what were the sounds coming from. It was from one of the most beautiful animals I have ever seen and I fell in love immediately. Its fur was as black as coal and its eyes were as green as trees. She was limping , I was very worried about what has happened to her, maybe someone kicked her out of their car the night before or someone pushed her with the car. I called my mom and cousins to come see and i asked my mom if we could take her to the vet to heal her broken paw. My mom agreed at first but changed her mind all of a sudden, one of my cousins called Saif did not agree with me too. There must have been a reason why they did not agree with me, the reason was because people always say that black cats give bad luck and I’ve heard that before but I’ve never believed in it. My mom believed in that superstition and I wasn’t aloud to approach that cat because it could be sick. She didn’t let me go back to it.

One hour has passed, my cousins and I were playing next to the skateboard ramps. While Saif was on one of the ramps preparing himself to try to achieve one of the riskiest and hardest skateboard tricks ever. Suddenly the cat came out of nowhere and passed in front of him he did not realize but I saw it pass by him. While attempting that trick he fell down and broke his arm and sprained his. Ever since that incident has happened I would NEVER ever look at a black cat again.

Ginger, the special one.

Habiba El hiny

All she asked was "Do you want one of the kittens? There's one here with no eyes and no one can take him."

My mom has a friend who owns a barn and one of the barn cats gave birth to a kitten. She gave birth to a single, deformed kitten . Ginger was born without eyes. He grew up having other kittens to play and socialize with, and was used to people from the moment he was born since there are always kids hanging around the barn. However, when it came time to find the kittens homes, no one knew where Ginger would end up. Although some of the kittens already had homes, the ones they couldn't find homes for would go to the local vet to be put up for adoption. They didn't want to do that with Ginger. There was no doubt any of the "normal" kittens would find homes there, but Ginger was special. That's when we got an e-mail from my mom’s friend. Without thinking we told her that we did want the kitten but no one knew how he will adapt.

When we first brought him home, Ginger stayed mostly in my room. He walked cautiously around, sniffing everything. After about a day he had no issues running around, jumping onto my bed and climbing on everything. It wasn't long before he mastered the rest of the house. He went through a time where he could climb the stairs, but couldn't get down. He would sit at the top and cry until someone came and got him. He's big enough now that he can get down on his own. Every now and then when he gets disoriented he'll stop and cry. But we just call his name and talk to him and it isn't long before he finds his way back to us. Now he is all grown up with a lot of friends, a cute little family and a Home.

Deformed pets also needs our attention, not because they have any kind of deformation it means that they are not going to be helpful or playful like the “normal” ones, they are just as special and precious and I really encourage people whom are up to adopt a pet to have an open mind and a welcoming heart because, from experience, it’s really worth it.

Einstein and the kitten

paul Tcheng

He disappeared again… where is he? It’s the third time this week!

It’s Einstein, my dog. He is the most adorable, kind and, obviously, the smartest dog I ever meet…

Of course, because its mine.

But it’s been a month that almost every day, he disappeared for two for three hours and comes back dirty like a pig… I’m he’s master, so naturally, I am super worried!

The day after:

OK! Enough is enough! It’s been five hours and he is still not back! I need to find out what is he doing all that time!

I decided to go look for him. So I jumped into my car and drove away.

I looked everywhere, every street, every park and even in some of my friend’s house! This dog is driving me mad!

So finally I went home, and I found Einstein standing in front of my door, waiting for me…

I didn’t say anything, because I don’t think he’ll understand me. But I was so mad that I accidently forgot to feed him. I’m such a good master! *sarcasm*

The next day, I was feeling bad. I was way too worried about my dog to let him disappeared every day. So I decided that today, I will follow him and discover what he is hiding from me.

As planned, after his launch he got out of the house and walked quickly in direction of the elevated highway and of course I followed him. After a long walk he finally stopped. That’s when my heart melted:

There was a very small and skinny kitten laying down on the ground. He was eating and drinking. That’s why all Einstein’s food where missing!

Einstein was leaking the little kitten like if it was he’s own kids.

That explains everything!

My dog is a real hero!

The White Cat that wore Black

Judging individuals by their stories and physic could man a lot. That’s what I thought before meeting a strange appearance on my way home. It was night time, at a corner of a street when I saw green eyes glowing in the dark alley next to me. It was a kind of cat that no one liked and treated like thieves. It was a black cat. I personally didn’t like cats at all because of their selfishness and their way of thinking that they are the master of everything. I didn’t move .I didn’t want to move. Because my pity continually grew as the cat walked towards me. Why? The skinny body and the sad look on the animal’s face was the reason. The cat continued walking towards me with a small “Meow”, and then sat next to me. It seemed nice. I couldn’t let him like that, and so I gave him little pieces of bread that I left in my lunch box. I went back home to think of what happened that night. Are cats that mean or selfish? I didn’t know. The next day, it was snowing. I walked down the same alley I walked down yesterday, to see if my new “friend” was there. He was there, in white. The snow was abundant that day, But he or she was still there, waiting.

Oh, he/she was there just for the food people would say, but for what else would it have been?

He is using you for itself other people would say, But they themselves use or fake friendships for their own goods. And most of the time it’s for foolish or small Mather things. But this cat was doing this to live. Last time I left food and continued my walk without looking at the miserable animal. This time I stayed to see him enjoy his meal. But the cat didn’t eat it yet, but took the bread and started walking to what seem to be his habitat that was under the garbage. I found there what I was expecting the least. The cat was a mother of 4 adorable kittens. She waited in the cold and got covered with snow for her babies.

And that brings us to my conclusion. Cats can be hateful and selfish just like humans! But can be as careful and nice as well. People or Animals shouldn’t be treated by rumors or what has been said on them. Learn to learn them before judging them.

The Lucky dog

After coming back from school I usually go for a walk for about 30 minutes to an hour. I like to walk every day because whenever I walk I feel revealed, free and can think clearly. I had stopped going out for about a month because I had a lot of homework and had to get better grades. One day I decided to go out like the old days and this time go somewhere I v never been to discover new places and go on adventures. I decided to go hiking this time in a mountain not far away from home.

It was during October so I was kind of scared thinking that they would be clowns there, but because I like going on adventures I decided to go and ask my sister if she could come with me and she said yes. It was 7 pm my sister and I started walking It was dark outside, my dogs neighbor was barking, spooky. It was the day before Halloween. My sister and I were very scared, we passed next to an inhabited maison which looked so terrifying. We thought it was hunted, we heard a strange noise coming from the house first the door was creaking next thing I know a window opens I see a man standing inside the house. My sister and I run as fast as we could. After a few minutes I see a dog standing in front of the haunted house, it was a German shepherd. We will never forget that experience.

The next morning I go walking again this time alone I see the German shepherd that I saw yesterday he was barking none stop. At first I got scared because they say that German shepherd are really dangerous. But this time I didn’t scared it felt so weird because normally I always get scared of wild dogs. He looked so innocent and sad, it’s like he had lost his whole family that he was feeling so lonely. I had some food with me so I decided to feed him, he looked so happy. I decided to keep him with me and bring him home, I just couldn’t leave him alone in the street but I had a problem because my mom doesn’t really like dogs. When I arrived home my mom was surprised because she knows that I don’t like dogs. My mom and I talked about the dog and told her what happened she said that it’s risky what I did but it’s still a good thing because I kind of saved his life.

I asked her if I could adopt him she said yes but I have to bring him to the vet. I after coming back from the vet I gave him a name which was lucky. I chose it because he s a lucky dog that he found a family that can feed him and take care of him. Ever since that day lucky and I are best friends I bring him with me everywhere I go…and we go for a walk together every day. I feel so safe whenever his with me.


I was alone in my house then suddenly I hear a dog barking, at first I ignored him, but after 20 minutes hearing the dog, I went ob ut of my house for searching him, but nothing the dog stopped barking and there was no way to me for find him, so I stopped the search, but while I was coming back home I saw this dog, he was a magnific labbrador, he was alone and very thin, it looked like he hadn’t eat for a long time. I felt sorry for him so I took him inn and I gave him some ham because I did not have dog food. I named him Spark because he looked like my dad that just died and was named Spark. We passed the following months toghether and he was really happy to stay whit me and he never beat me and was never aggressive, we had a lot of fun I think he never had fun as he had fun whit me, but one day coming back home from work he wasn‘t there, at first I thought my mom came to take him out for a walk but when I called her to ask if he was whit her she told me he wasn’ t whit her, I started getting worried about him I cryied a lot , but I could not do anything to get it back so I tried to forget him, but still in my heart.

Zeus the dog


‘’As I was watching TV, a strange noise came from the backyard of my house, at first I ignored it thinking it was just the wind, but then it started to become louder and louder, at first it sounded like something hitting the door, and then it turned into barking. I was surprised because I didn’t have any pets and also, how can a dog climb a fence. I went down to check what it was and to my surprise, a huge German shepherd was standing next to the back door. It was getting very late and it started to rain the poor thing looked really tired and hungry I couldn’t leave it outside on its own, so I decided to take it in and see if anybody asked about a dog. The next day I woke up to see that Zeus is the name I gave him hadn’t moved from his place. He seemed happy in his new house. It had been two weeks since Zeus was with me and no problems what so ever, I even started to take him out for walks at night. One day as I took Zeus for his usual walk and suddenly two guys jumped out of an ally, Zeus started barking, and instantaneously they started running towards me I kept on walking but I was scared, and in the dark I managed to see another person on my left armed with a bat and Boum! I hit the ground and it was at that very moment that I went unconscious’’ I said to the officer at the desk in the presinct, the police officer looked at me and laughed he said that Zeus was actually a police dog that escaped from his cage, the officer also mentioned that whilst I was unconscious Zeus had subdued the three robbers. What a story right.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed.

Memory for food

What would you do if you have lost a belonging ?

Think about the last time you saw it ? Maybe retrace your steps ? But what would you do if you have lost your dog ?

Few weeks after I had moved to my new house , my dog and I were playing in the garden . Since we had just moved in , our house wasn’t quite furnished and we didn’t happen to have a fence surrounding the garden . As I was playing with my dog Snowy , my mom called me in the house to take out the trash . On my way to the garbage disposal can , I realized that my dog wasn’t in the garden where I’ve left him . After a few minutes of pondering about it , I had thought that my brother could have let him in . As soon as possible, I had asked my brother if Snowy was with him , but his answer was negative . I started to get worried , so I decided to go look for him around the neighborhood . But unfortunately I didn’t not find my dog . I went asking some of my neighbors , but they hadn’t seen him either.

I came back home to ask my parents what should be our next move , when suddenly I hear barking coming from my front yard . As I peek through the window , I see my dog Snowy waiting for someone to let him in . My dog ended up chasing a cat when he got lost ,and found his way back home thanks to his sense of smell .


Every Halloween, I get the worst luck. Sometimes, I get injured but most of the time everything goes wrong : my costume gets ruined , I brake a leg , I fall.... My point is that something bad always happens to me . But for some reason , every year , I keep celebrating and trying to forget but something bad keeps happening .

One year, while I was coming home from my annual halloween shopping a few weeks before the event, I accidentally left my front door open , which gave the opportunity for a "creature" to make their way into the house. I hadn't noticed anything the whole day because I was very busy decorating the house. But once I had finished (at around eight in the evening) , I sat on the couch , exhausted . It had been around ten minutes since I had sat down when I realized that something black with big yellow eyes was staring at me. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen! Its fur was as black as this colour could get. It was a black kitten . Even though I thought it was the most adorable kitten that I had ever seen, the superstitious person that I was wanted to kick it out since black cats with yellow eyes were said to give bad luck. But as I was putting it out, I found out that the poor kitten was injured. So I changed my mind and decided to keep it and try to help and heal it . That decision changed my life.

Since that night, the kitten and I became inseperable. We would do everything together : eat, play , exercise.... If you had seen us , you would have never believed that I actually wanted to kick it out!

Weeks passed and halloween night finally arrived. I had gotten matching costumes for Superstition and I (yes, I called it Superstition) who had fully healed and I was ready for all that bad luck to just hit me. But to my surprise , the night went really well: none of our costumes were ruined , I wasn't injured and nothing bad happened. We had such a blast!

Unfortunately, a few days after halloween, I came back home from school and I couldn't find Superstition anywhere. I searched the whole house and even searched the whole neighbourhood! But it was nowhere to be seen. After a while, I stopped searching and I never saw Superstition again.

Was she real or did I just imagine her? The only thing I know is that since that halloween , I never got bad luck . Never. Not once. You never realize it but when you help an animal , you always feel like a better person. Was it thanks to her that I never got bad luck again ? Was it her way of thanking me ? I guess I will never know and I will cherish our time together forever.


On that fateful aftternoon, when my friend and I were cycling back from his house we had no idea that we were going to meet our new best friends.

My friend, let's call him Bill for privacys sake, while cycling back from his place, experienced a very sad scene. Here's what hapened.At the end of a long road, we saw a car parked at the end of it. A woman was getting back into the car. We were both intrigued about what we were seeing and kept riding. When we reached the end of the road and a saw what was really happening we were heartbroken. Two clean looking dogs were standing near the car and the "owners" in the car. We passed te car and as we were riding we distinctevel hear the car drive off. When I looked behind me, I saw the two beautiful dogs, still standing there, abandoned. So naturally Bill and I were shocked. So we stopped and discussed a very obvious point, should we take the dogs? We thought about why we shouldn't. First of all, we didn't think our parents would be too thriled about bringing dogs back homme without permission. Second of all, what if the owners had left them there for a reason. We decided after pondering about it for a few minutes, we decided that we would do the right thing and take them back to my place.

We, with great caution, approached the dogs to see how they would react. To our great surprise, they were friendly and slightly playful, which left us without a doubt that they were indeed, Home dogs. We walked them back to my place. Once we got back to my place we thought it wise not to show my parents just yet. We decided to take them to one of the unocupied houses in my compound and left them in the backyard. We walked back to my place and filled my parents in on the whole thing. They were rather open minded aout the whole story but said that i could not have them inside the house, and that we would have to go and get them checked by the veterinarian.

We got them checked abd everything about them was on point. We were allowed to keep them and they are our best friends. i now truly understand from where the saying that dogs are man's best friend comes from.

The king of the house

The story I will be telling is about cats. You will soon understand why I chose this title not directly related to cats or even any other animal.

This story happened when I still lived in Saudi Arabia 4 years ago. I still remember this day by heart. Everyone in the house was still asleep except me; I woke up very early that day and was reading a book since I did not have a phone at the time. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard a very strange noise in the garden. I instantly went out to check what made the noise and there I saw a cute little cat lying on the ground with an injured leg. I had no idea what happened to the poor animal but I instantly woke up my mom and we took the cat to the veterinary and he got a bandage. We took in the cat, gave him food and called him Pretzel. We decided to keep him until he was cured. One day, we saw another orange cat lurking around the milk we gave Pretzel. The orange cat casually walked to the food and ate it as if it was his own. He even entered the house one day with absolutely no worries and just took a nap on the sofa for a straight 3 hours. After his nap was finished he just walked out of the house, at that time, Pretzel was also taking a nap but on the table since the orange cat had claimed the sofa as his personal property. The next day the cat came back and started wandering in the house before taking another nap in the exact same place. There was a moment when Pretzel and the other cat were in avoiding each other but they became good friends after a few days. The orange cat even let the injured cat sleep on the sofa.

Everyone liked the orange cat so we would always let the backdoor open so that he could come in and take a nap whenever he felt like it. We also gave him food so that he wouldn’t steal Pretzel’s food. We named the orange cat Garfield since he kind of looked like him.

Garfield truly was the king of the house.

The terrible night of Halloween

It was in 2014, it was at home alone because my parents went out. Two hours before, I decorate the garden with a lot of fake ghosts, spider webs, Skulls and especially a lot of pumpkins. At 11:30 pm, I heard a lot of noise, and I saw through the window a lot of little shadows. I was so scared because I thought that it was a thief or a kind of monster. Suddenly I heard this noise again so wen quickly to the kitchen to take a knife and I took my phone to call the polis but were not anymore network so there was no other solution. I have to go and check if there is someone in the garden. I went to the door to opened and by surprise I found a small white terrier in a small box. His feet was broken, he was very hurt that he couldn’t bark anymore. I felt sorry for him so I decide to take him at home to feed him and to take care of his feet . 2 month later willy ( the dog) was able to walk ad his stayed with since that day.

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